Monday, March 25, 2013

Exercise Caution

Um...maybe you should see someone about that?

Again with the clouds and remnants of rain.  But I’ve wised up.  SS said I’d be sorry to not bring a jacket but by early afternoon it was 23 although hotter with the humidity and it stayed hot and lovely right until evening.  I would say the only downside to being here in fall is that the days are getting shorter.
Going 90?  Might want to slow.

Where eight roads meet and eight crosswalks pose a few issues.

Hey Glenn, did you forget your manssiere?

If we walked 20 kms today we walked 25 kms; too much exercise!  We walked it seemed across the continent but in fact we only covered a couple of barrios.  From the hotel into the park areas (zoo, Japanese garden, Botanical garden, a number of squares and roundabouts including Ave Libertador, the 12 lane one way boulevard) and on towards the MALBA (stands for Museum of Argentinian Latin American Art of Buenos Aires).  It was a private collection established in a new build.  Not big enough to house the collection, which rotates, but SS claims there are plans to expand underground.

Entrance to the MALBA

This is what would happen if I ever built something with Brent.  His work is on the left...

A very famous Kahlo

Also famous for The Motorcycle Diaries

From a series of photo montages in the 1940s called The Dream by artist Grete Stern

Afterwards we did some shopping, window shopping, and it was two before we realized we were famished and it ended up we had to eat in a mall.  It was a chic mall and the food was prepared for us fresh and there was nothing wrong with lunch but it did seem a bit lazy that we made no attempt otherwise.  Afterwards we made this crazy decision to walk back to the hotel, even though it had taken us half the morning to walk to the MALBA.  It was a pretty interesting route, through some quiet residential streets and local shops.  By the time we reached our neck of the woods, Palermo Soho, we stopped for a coffee, which is generally a half hour proposition (getting service, getting the coffee, asking for the bill, receiving the bill; god forbid you need change).  Then, for no apparent reason, we did a detour before doubling back to the hotel.  When we got to the hotel we left our stuff and went back out to scope out a restaurant; and that took us an hour!  We killed our siesta!
Expensive hand made leather runners

Local fruiteria.  Don't pick from the bottom!

My criterion for dinner was “close.”  So we went into the trendy area of Palermo Soho for eats at a place called Mott, more Yaletown-ish than I would have liked, but the food was good and it was only four blocks away.  Even over-priced food tends to be reasonable here, comparatively.  There had been thundershowers for about ten minutes at 7 p.m. and as we walked the six blocks (was supposed to be four!) to Mott there was lightning across the skies. But as anyone who lives in the sub-tropics knows, or in fact anyone who has had a summer in Toronto knows, these types of storms pass.  When we left the restaurant it was clear and the moon was out. No jacket required.  No umbrella needed.

It's bruschetta.

120 ounce steak.  And salad.

Omnipresent dessert item: Molten chocolate cake...
The real estate listing said "elegant solutions with varying scales."  The only scales were fish, spawning, in the attic.

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